Preschool Story Time
Wednesdays @ 11:15 am

January 8th – Snow
January 15th – Hot Chocolate
January 22nd – Dragons
January 29th – Groundhog Day
Teen Life Skills
Nearly every Wednesday afternoon the Lead Library will be hosting a special program just for TEENS! This is your opportunity to learn the things you want to learn, the skills that will help you face adulthood, and the things that make you a little nervous to think about doing on your own. This is an evolving program that will be molded to fit its participants needs, so there’s no set in stone description. We’ll make some food together, eat and practice some of the skills that will help us be more successful and capable adults.
Our Teen Life Skills Program is held every Wednesday from 4 – 6 p.m.
January 8th
January 15th
January 22nd
January 29th
Adult Book Club
Monthly Meetings
February 26th @ 5:00 pm
Book: The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon
Board Meetings
Board Members
Gary Linn – President
Micki Moore
Barb Fosheim
Elizabeth Groeger
Beth Bertolotto
Lead Library Endowment
The Lead Library Endowment Board raises funds to go above and beyond the basics. Tax payer dollars buy the books and keep the lights on.
Some library projects we have supported:
- Children’s section update
- furniture, rugs, shelving, etc.
- Major furniture purchases including:
- new computer desks
- new circulation desk
- fireplace and comfy chairs
- Children’s programming supplies
- Don’t forget the Keurig!
But we can’t do it without your help.